Sin City II: A Dame To Kill For

31st August 2014 | Alice Taylor

I loved the first movie and eagerly await Frank Miller’s sequel, but there seems to be 101 different teaser posters preceding the release of the film.

So, let’s just concentrate on the only one of them to have been awarded the dubious honour of being banned.

It’s good enough for me though; simply because it features the delectable and always delightfully dirty Eva Green (and, if I’m bored later, maybe I’ll update the post with a broader selection of posters).

Via: IMP Awards

Quite Frankly – The Cover

15th August 2014 | Simone Aagaard


Here it is, fresh off the press and with it’s beautiful foil-blocked masthead, the cover for Issue One: Quite Frankly.

Photography by The Quite Delightful Project’s Editor Katherine Wood, and the cover model is the magazine’s designer (The English Group’s own) Alice Taylor.

…and let’s give credit where credit is due, a big thank you to the whole team at our wonderful printers Opal.


The Other Kate

11th January 2014 | Katherine Jane

Instead of printing multiple issues with multiple covers, V #87 features two covers of Kate Upton within the one issue.

The first cover (to the right) is that of a clothed Upton, then fold it back to find it is actually a plastic overlay, and below (which you can see after the jump) rests Upton in lingerie.

A Date With Kate

30th September 2013 | Simone Aagaard

It seems to be that if more than a few days go by without some fine portraiture or photography featuring Kate Moss, there’s something not all well with the world…

…so here’s a photograph of Kate looking a little more fullsome than usual.

Via: Pussy Les Queer

The Happening

16th June 2013 | Simone Aagaard

An image that instantly conjures that liberated easygoing spirit of the summer of love.

I’ve no idea who the photographer is, but I came across the image on a website apparently dedicated to ‘romantic pornography‘ (is that perhaps a rather lovely concept when one considers the reality of what would usually actually find on the top shelf).

Via: The English Group